You Are Who and What You Are

Published on by Aprilleluu

Who are you? Literally, we would say our name, where we live, what kind of work we have, our interests, etc. But behind these very common answers, do we really know who we truly are? We may get opinions from people on what they see in us or who we are in their eyes, but are these enough to define you? Friend, what others may see about you may not be the real you. You are the only one who knows yourself better. Oftentimes, we wear our individual masks just to sink in into the world or to let everyone know that we are happy or sad. That's why, it's too brutal to judge a person by what we see in him or her when we are not even walking into their own shoes. We are fighting our individual battles everyday, we should be kind to others, understand the situation, reflect our actions, review our words, look beyond those masks before we condemn others or give our thoughts to a person. You are who you think you are. They don't know how much tears you've shed when you're alone, they don't know the little things that complete you,  they don't know the battles you've fought so far, they don't know every detail of you. Never let anyone defines you, you should be the one defining your own destiny. After all, it is your life, not theirs. 😊

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